Character and Superhero Costumes

Browse Articles in Character and Superhero Costumes

Pirate Costume

Character and superhero costumes are some of the most popular costume choices for Halloween and other dressing up occasions, as well as for kids who like to play dress up all year long.

Fun Character and Superhero Costumes

Who wouldn't want to trade in their day job to get to be Superman or Batman one day out of the year? And what little girl wouldn't love to dress up as her favorite Disney princess whenever possible?

Licensed Costumes

When it comes to character and superhero costumes, there are often two or more routes you can take. There are officially licensed character costumes that look just like the character you remember from a particular movie. These can be purchased from a variety of online retailers and local stores.

Replica Costumes

There are often also knock-off costumes that aren't officially licensed by the company that made the movie or owns the rights to the character's name, but are close enough to the original that people will recognize who you are meant to be dressed as. The benefit of these costumes is that they are often a little less expensive since they lack the brand name.

Make Your Own Costumes

You can also use the original character's costume as inspiration for your own homemade costumes. Often putting the right logo on your chest or choosing the right prop to go with your costume is all that will be necessary for someone to know who you are supposed to be. Making your own costume can save you a lot of money as well as letting your creativity shine through.

What Option is Best for You?

If you're choosing costumes for children, they may prefer to have a real-deal, officially licensed character outfit so that they look just right. Adults and those with a crafty streak (or a thrifty inclination) will be happy with a homemade costume. After all, making your own costumes is a great way to show that you put some thought and creativity into preparing for the occasion! The same can't be said for someone who pulled the name-brand costume off the rack and threw it on.

Something to Share?

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Character and Superhero Costumes