Rainbow Brite Costume Ideas

Rainbow Brite Costume Ideas


•Rainbow Brite costume ideas celebrate the doll that grew in popularity through the 1980s. The little girls who grew up with Rainbow Brite are mommies themselves, introducing their daughters and granddaughters to the wonders of the blue dressed girl and her rainbow colors.

Rainbow Brite Costume


This Rainbow Brite costume is designed for adults and embraces the doll's floppy origins, making a brighter, more colorful cousin to the Raggedy Anns and Andys. The costume is purchasable through Amazon. You may need to find your own blonde wig though.

Naughty Rainbow


Like Wendy, Alice in Wonderland and other female icons of childhood, this Rainbow Brite costume gives her a naughty sexuality that is inappropriate for children, but that young twenty-somethings may enjoy.

Puppy Power


Want to dress up your dog for a party? Rainbow Brite just needs a blue dress like center with some rainbow colored sleeves and leg pieces and your puppy will be crooning "Quiero el arco iris!"

Rainbow Brite for Girls


For little girls, there is the very traditional Rainbow Brite with her rich blue dress and rainbow accessories. If you have the dark blue dress from Alice in Wonderland without the white apron, it can double as the Rainbow Brite dress. Wendy's dress is too pale a shadow, however.

Rainbow Socks


If you want to put together your own, you can invest in a pair of rainbow colored socks. If you get the ones with toes in them, then you can wear flip flops or other open toed shoes for fun.

Rainbow Leg Warmers


Rainbow leg warmers can also double for arm warmers. So one set for the arms and one set for the legs and you are halfway to your Rainbow Brite costume idea. Leg warmers can be fun for kids to play with when the dress up is done.

Blue Dress


Finally, a dark blue dress is the last component you need. Between the socks, the leg and arm warmers and the blue dress, you'll be quite recognizable. To go that extra mile, go for the blonde wig with the rainbow hair accessories.

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Rainbow Brite Costume Ideas